6 Places You Should Never Toast a Nigerian Girl

6 Places You Should Never Toast a Nigerian Girl
6 Places You Should Never Toast a Nigerian Girl

6 Places You Should Never Toast a Nigerian Girl

Some Nigerian guys tend to toast (woo) any girl they are interested in without even considering the time and place. Not minding the location and with so much confidence, they approach you and begin to run their mouths, spitting lines they have specially practiced for wooing girls. Oftentimes, the thinking of certain guys is that they want to take the opportunity to toast the girl as they may not meet her again. That’s true. However, you should be conscious of the places you intend to hit on a woman. Jumia Travel, the leading online bo0king agency identifies 6 places you should never toast a girl.


Even if she is Miss Nigeria, you should not toast a girl at the hospital. You don’t know her purpose at the hospital. You appear from nowhere to woo her. You are just disturbing her and wasting your time as she will not answer you.

At work

You hear what it is called work. She is very busy at work and you still want to collect her number or you want to ask her out? She will just ignore you and at the end of the whole episode, you will be embarrassed. Well, some girls will have pity on you and walk you out.


The Church is a place to listen to the word of God and receive anointing. The same for the mosque. These places are not hubs for chasing women. But it is today. That doesn’t it make right.

In danfo buses/BRT Stations

Imagine in serious traffic (even when there is no traffic) inside one of those Lagos’s rickety danfos and these guy sitting beside is trying to get your attention. The girl will even be angry that under such harrowing and uncomfortable situation you are toasting her.  What she just want is to get home. You are a distraction. For BRT stations, you see a girl standing in a long queue, you want to woo her. That is a wrong time.


We all go to the cinema for different reasons. Some go there to search for potential lovers. But the cinema is a place where you to enjoy the movie you paid for and leave. So, enjoy your movie and when it is over you can go talk to whomever you are interested in. Don’t do this immediately after the movie, though.

Her father’s house

When a Nigerian father sees their daughter with, they think about all sorts of things like she has joined bad gang. Most of which are negative. Hence, quite a number of girls don’t like guys wooing them in front of their father’s house especially if they are meeting you for the first time.

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