Caitlyn Jenner Slams Hillary Clinton, Calls Kris Jenner a ”Powerful Woman” & More

catlyn and trump

With Caitlyn Jenner and her squad on a month-long bus ride, there’s bound to be some major arguments and on Sunday’s episode there were two!

The first heated debate happened between Kate Bornstein and Jenny Boylan over the use of the word “tranny.”

The second debate was between Caitlyn and pretty much the rest of the bus over politics when Caitlyn suggested that Donald Trump would be “very good” for women’s issues and then criticized Hillary Clinton.

Caitlyn’s squad is very passionate about their beliefs, so when their point of view is challenged, it leads to major tension. But in the end the group is able to put their differences aside and have a great time together and share some laughs.

Take a look at the recap below to check out the 7 must-see moments from this episode of I Am Cait!

Caitlyn Jenner, Kate Bornstein, I Am Cait, I Am Cait 202


1. “We’re On the Same Side But a Totally Different Track”

While on the bus, Jenny and Kate debate over the use of the word “tranny.”

“Courtney, question,” Kate says. “Tranny’s been around as a word since the ‘70s. I don’t call myself a woman, I do call myself a tranny and transgender women have a lot of problems with that.”

Courtney tells Kate, “Even some trans women think that word’s offensive, even for them to use as well.”

“And I would be one of them,” Jenny says. “If I hear that word I will generally leave the room. I find it really hurtful and I recognize that there are other people who own that word proudly and that is fantastic for them. That’s not fantastic for me.”

Jenny then reveals that she had more than one experience where she was attacked.

“Somebody grabbed me by the neck, used that word and other words, dragged me around by my neck for about a half an hour and finally dropped me and I lay there on the ground kind of unable to move,” Jenny explains. “Words can hurt as much as violence can.”

Kate then says to Jenny, “We’re on the same side but a totally different track.”

She goes on to say that she will probably “come back” to this conversation with Jenny.

2. Caitlyn vs. Hillary:

While on the bus, Caitlyn receives a call from her mom Esther who tells her that she’s starting “to like” Donald Trump.

The squad on the bus then starts a heated political debate about Donald and Hillary Clinton. Watch the clip to see what Caitlyn has to say about each of the candidates!

Kris Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Victoria’s Secret

3. Caitlyn Calls Kris Jenner a “Powerful Woman”

After the heated debate about politics, everyone sits down for dinner. While at dinner, Caitlyn wants to change the subject.

“To each person in this room who’s had to work very very hard to be the woman that they are, what does it mean to you to be a woman?” Caitlyn asks.

“You know I think for me being a woman is being powerful and being aware of your power,” Zackary Drucker says.

“OK that’s an interesting question from my standpoint you know why?” Caitlyn asks. “Because a lot of people don’t understand, ‘Why would you ever transition from the strong, powerful person that a male is into a weak female.’ Now that’s the people’s perspective, OK I don’t believe that. I mean I’ve watched Kris, who’s a very powerful woman, and she knew how to play the game.”

Caitlyn Jenner, I Am Cait E!

4. Caitlyn Takes the Fluffy Bunny Challenge:

To let off a little steam, Ella Giselle suggests that they play Fluffy Bunny. The challenge is to take donuts and see how many you can put in your mouth while saying the words “Fluffy Bunny.”

Ella manages to have five donuts in her mouth while saying “Fluffy Bunny” and then it’s Caitlyn’s turn to try!

How many does Caitlyn stuff in her mouth? Six! She wins!

Chandi Moore, I Am Cait, GIF E!

5. Chandi vs. Pistol Pete:

To keep everyone’s spirits up, the squad goes horseback riding. While everyone else rides off on their horse, Chandi is left behind with her horse Pistol Pete who doesn’t seem to want to walk!

I Am Cait, Candis Cayne, GIF E!

6. Vibrator Delivery!

The squad can’t stop laughing when Caitlyn’s assistant Courtney shows them the package that just arrived, a vibrator!

Watch the video above to see Caitlyn and Candis Cayne test out the vibrator!

Caitlyn Jenner, Kate Bornstein, I Am Cait, I Am Cait 202 E!

7. The Squad Agrees to “Listen” to Each Other:

After the heated debates on the bus, the group sits down to talk. Jenny and Kate talk and agree to “listen” to each other.

The two then turn the conversation to the political debate that was had on the bus. Jenny tells Caitlyn she wants her to know that she made people on the bus “uncomfortable.”

Jenny explains it’s “not about the issues” that they were discussing it was about the way Caitlyn was speaking to everyone.

“We were scared,” Jenny tells Caitlyn.

Caitlyn then admits she becomes “very aggressive” when it comes to politics and she acknowledges that listening is something that she has to always “work on.”

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