Civil Military Affairs Department Holds Sensitization Workshop On Human Rights and Professional Conduct For Troops

Civil Military Affairs Department Holds Sensitization Workshop On Human Rights and Professional Conduct For Troops

The Department of Civil Military Affairs recently hosted a sensitization program on human rights and professional conduct for troops of 13 Brigade Nigerian Army at the Pyramid Hotel, Calabar. The seminar focus on bolstering national security through enhanced military professionalism.

The Chief of Civil Military Affairs (CCMA) Major General Nosakhare Ugbo in his opening remarks stated that the aim of the seminar is to sensitize troops professionalism and need to maintain high level of discipline while upholding human rights.

In his opening remarks, Brigadier General Muftau Owodiran Ibrahim, Commander of the 13 Brigade, emphasized that the workshop is specifically designed to have a positive impact on the participants, particularly within the Brigade’s area of operation. He noted that the workshop will provide troops with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in internal security operations, both within their jurisdiction and in collaboration with other security agencies, as well as the protection of Nigeria’s territorial and international borders.

Earlier in his welcome remarks Commander 13 Brigade Brigadier General Muftau Owodiran Ibrahim highlighted that the workshop aims to positively impact participants by enhancing their knowledge of internal security operations, interagency collaboration, and border protection within the Brigade’s area of responsibility.

He enjoined troop to conduct themselves while on duty and should work in line with the ethos of the Nigerian Army and eschew any acts that could abuse the rights of the people they sworn to protect. Added that, our conduct influences the way people perceive the Army which in turn affects the level of support and cooperation we enjoy during our operations.

Dignitaries present at the workshop were the Director Civil Military Affairs Brigadier General BP Koughna, Assistant Director Welfare Department of Administration Army Lt Colonel MS Maaji, Dr Livinus Jatto, DCN IA Oseni, Officers and soldiers. The workshop climax with presentation of souvenirs and group photograph session.


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