Coronavirus: Over 100,000 People Have Recovered Globally

Coronavirus: Over 100,000 People Have Recovered Globally

Coronavirus: Over 100,000 People Have Recovered Globally

Over 100,000 persons who were infected with coronavirus globally have recovered from the disease, data from has shown.

Although the outbreak is still ongoing and new cases are reported daily, some people have been treated and discharged.

As of Monday, 17:54 GMT, 101,069 are reported to have recovered from respiratory disease.

Since the onset of the outbreak in Wuhan, China in December, a total of 117,173 ”have been closed cases or had an outcome”. Of these, 101,069 (86 per cent) recovered and were discharged.

Soaring cases

While the number of those who recovered is gladdening, new cases of the virus continue to increase globally.

As of Monday, 17:54 GMT, 30,796 new cases were reported across 195 countries. Of these, the U.S. tops the chart of countries with the highest reported cases.

According to available data, the five countries which reported a high number of confirmed cases today are the U.S., 7,309, Italy with 4,789 confirmed cases, Spain – 4321, Germany – 3,992 and Iran – 1,411.

Also, the number of death cases reported for Monday was 1, 466. Of these, Italy topped the chart with 601 deaths, followed Spain with 435, Iran with 127 and the U.S. with 65 deaths. Nigeria also reported its first death in a patient with underlying health conditions.

In total, 368, 226 cases have so far been confirmed globally since December, with 251,053 active cases.

Of the active cases, 239,197 are in mild condition and 11,856 are in critical condition.

No respite

While there is no respite from the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak yet, people have been advised to maintain good personal hygiene, wash hands regularly, maintain social distancing and avoid public gatherings.

The World Health Organisation, Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus said it is heartbreaking that almost every country over the world has recorded at least a case.

“The pandemic is accelerating. It took 67 days from the first reported case to reach the first 100,000 cases, 11 days for the second 100,000 cases and just four days for the third 100,000 cases. You can see how the virus is accelerating.

“But we’re not prisoners to statistics. We’re not helpless bystanders. We can change the trajectory of this pandemic,” he said.

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