Ellen Gifts $15,000 to African-American Akintunde Ahmad for Yale Fees

Meet African-American Akintunde Ahmad. Your first impression of the 18-year old who is 6’1 with long dreads, may be  ”thug-like” or “scary”, because of his huge appearance but that is far from it.

The soft spoken young man made headlines last week for scoring a 2100 SAT score, out of 2400, and a 5.0 GPA from Oak Tech High School.

He was accepted into numerous ivy-league schools including Yale, Brown and Columbia.

He is one of 6 kids and a baseball player. You may be wondering about his Nigerian name, BN gathers his parents are connected to their African roots so decided to give their son a Nigerian name.

Ellen DeGeneres invited him on her Ellen DeGeneres show and gave him a whooping sum of $15,000 for tuition and miscellaneous. He announced that he will be studying at Yale.

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