Being clairsentient implies that that you have the power to feel or sense energy. This feeling is stronger than intuition, and is comparable to a feeling of tasting music. So, the feeling will come when you can use all your sense organs, using all energies, vibrations, and sentiments.
The ability to feel energy will be different for every individual and for every reading. It is not something that one can easily replicate because it surfaces without any signs or warning. As a psychic you must be receptive and you have to wait patiently for messages to come to you.
Psychic powers and intuitions are there in each one of us, but some are born with unnatural talents and gifts. It is believed that psychics can feel energy as they are born with paranormal skills which they have developed as they grew older. In doing so, many tools can be of use, like tarot cards and astrology. You can find free tarot reading online sites that can help you with instant tarot reading for your zodiac sign. So, one’s psychic ability is more like a muscle that gets stronger and better toned when you use it often.
Psychic powers can be categorized into the following types:
- Clairvoyance where you see information in your mind’s eye
- Clairsentience where you feel “gut” instincts or feel with your body
- Clairaudience where you hear information in one’s mind
- Claircognizance where you know information without using your physical senses
Psychics will use combinations of these powers when they must get information for their clients. For example, when a client wishes to know about his future career prospects, the psychic may come across a picture which forms in his mind about his client doing a specific kind of job and then feels an emotion which appears to justify this image.
The fact is that science offers a unified field which all energies share; even humans are made up of energies as are our thoughts and feelings, and every object around us. Mathematics and science also teach us that there are multiple dimensions and we occupy what is called the third dimension. The 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions contain energy and information that cannot be perceived with physical sense organs; these can be felt using psychic abilities. When the client spends much time thinking or feeling a specific thought, the energy remains in the aura or energy field, and the psychic can read this field to see whether the thought will eventually come into being. Psychics may even channel your angels or spirit guides; such beings live on other dimensions and they get access to understanding and wisdom from divine sources.
The existence of psychic energy is integral to accurate psychic readings; successful readings cannot be possible if the psychic energy is weak, absent or blocked. It is important to understand that the psychic is not reading your mind really; he is studying and interpreting the psychic energy he can observe radiating from you. But this energy can get drained or contaminated with energy radiating from others. This is particularly true if you are continuously working with different clients. So, it is important for the psychic to stop for a while to cleanse the energy before proceeding to read others.
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