In the bid to rid the northwest off the menace of banditry, the NAF carried out intensive airstrikes against bandits.

Strike planes hit targets in Dansadau and Kwiambana forest. Most of these operations were carried out at night for maximum effect. Having 250kg bombs hitting their camps in the dead of night and in complete darkness will shatter even the hardest of nerves. In this recent attack, by daylight, a group of bandits on motorbikes began crisscrossing the forest from multiple locations but joining up and heading towards the same direction.

This movement was spotted by a NAF ISR aircaft overhead, and the information relayed to mission HQ, recommending an airstrike.

Moving through the forest in such a large convoy could only mean one thing ; they were moving to another camp unknown to the military.

The ISR aircraft was instructed to continue tracking the bandits and relay information. It was a gamble that payed off. The tracking of the bandits movement led the ISR plane to unearth a large and well concealed camp, with perimeter defences manned by fighters.

The bandits had unwittingly led the NAF to one of their most strategic and secret camp. It is important to note that the existence of this camp was previously unknown to the military. It was a very large camp, three times larger than usual and extensive perimeters defences.

Credit: Defense News Nigeria

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