

This time last year, we pledged commitment and growth to all our clients across the globe at the Launching of iPartyafrica. This brand is a year older now.
Emily Dickinson once wrote, “Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.” And that is the reason for iPartyafrica. We have opened the door marked iPartyafrica and it is only one in a long string of doors we are opening and will be opening in the future. When Omega Events & iMedia Ltd happens across a door of opportunity, its part of our method of operation to turn that knob. Actually, it’s a bit misleading to put it that way, to make it sound like we just stumbled upon this opportunity, this door we are opening analyze the Entertainment  industry, researching just where they may lie. We might even say we opened many smaller doors in order to reach this great big one. I don’t mean to get carried away explicating Ms. Dickinson’s insightful line, as they say about any good writing, it speaks for itself. But the point is, the only way to find a productive course of action is to spring into action. Hence, iPartyafrica. To change metaphors here, I’d like to quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” iPartyafrica might not have been what each of you, or our competitors, expected from Omega Events & iMedia Ltd. It might not come as too much of a surprise to those closely watching Entertainment Industry, but a new brand such as this has a way of making waves. Omega Events & iMedia Ltd probably didn’t need iPartyafrica to thrive. We’re doing publication quite admirably. But this new venture is about growth. About the future of African youth, about those who has no opportunity to showcase a God gifted talent and the hard work of their critical thinking more so than the present. And although a brand new venture such as this brings its share of fears and anxieties, one day, not too far into the future, those fears and anxieties will be amusing. Why? Because the task of which are to put African act, celebrities, upcoming, talents, culture and future into limelight, trending African  Entertainment material and making sure every single individual get seen regardless of status, culture or ethnicity “…So we worried about our ability to serve one suburb, at that time—we couldn’t even imagine fussing over the entertainment market. They say that “adversity plus time equals humor,” but little is said about the benefits of mentally progressing ahead of the times. We can choose to mentally fast-forward a bit and laugh at the fears and anxieties now. The Omega events & iMedia Ltd trail, has in fact become a road. You might even argue that it’s a highway/freeway at this point. I am fully confident that iPartyafrica is simply a path waiting to happen. And part of making that happen entails fast-forwarding a bit mentally and envisioning it that way, right now. All this metaphorical talk of “doors” and “paths” is really a way of analyzing mental processes. A new brand like iPartyafrica, with all the labor and supplies and material goods it entails, truly begins, unfolds and springs to life out of the mind. It’s most important component is an idea. As Johann von Schiller said, “Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.” I am confident of the validity of our prognostications. None of us here knows the exact story-to-be awaiting iPartyafrica, but the important things to remember here is that iPartyafrica will have a story. Thank you.

S Abayomi Obaleye-George
iPartyafrica, A division of Omega Events & iMedia Ltd. 
594 Gorton Road, Reddish, Manchester, SK5 6RE 
☎:07405809610 | 07449326983 
Ig: Instagram@ipartyafrica
ff: twitter.com/ipartyafrica
fb: facebook.com/ipartyafrica
Fax- 01612238434  

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