Texas Police reveal Identity of Shooter who killed 10 Students
Tragedy struck in the town of Sante Fe on Saturday when a gunman opened fire in a Texas High School killing 10 people before surrendering to the Police.
The Texas Police has now disclosed his identity as Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year old who goes to the same school he opened fire on, thereby killing his classmates.
According to The New York Times, Dimitrios has waved his right to remain silent and given “a statement admitting to shooting multiple people” at Santa Fe High School.
Just outside the ceramics storeroom where Trenton Beazley huddled on the floor, his classmates and substitute teacher from first-period art lay dead. A gunman stalked back and forth between two adjoining classrooms inside Santa Fe High School, firing blast after blast.
This was really happening. Again. This time, to them.
Mr. Beazley, 15, a catcher on the high school baseball team, had woken up on Friday morning excited about that evening’s quarterfinal game against Kingwood Park. When Mr. Beazley slipped into art class, the substitute, Ann Perkins, had been telling another student to go get a tardy pass. Everything about that muggy late-spring morning seemed so routine.
Then, at about 7:30 a.m., Mr. Beazley heard the sound that has become too routine in schools across America: Bang. Bang. Bang.
On Saturday, through their shock, grief and anger over a massacre that left 10 people dead and 13 wounded, this broken, stunned community of 13,000 struggled to find any reason behind it all. The authorities have not announced any motive but said that Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old student at Santa Fe High, had confessed to the rampage and told investigators he had spared students he liked so that “he could have his story told.”
Like millions of their peers, the students here grew up in the shadow of school shootings. They had done active-shooter drills since grade school. A school resource officer, who was critically wounded on Friday, patrolled their sprawling red brick school, which is an hour southeast of Houston.
In February, they had been spooked by a lockdown ordered after someone reported a pop-pop-pop sound outside. Devin Maier, 17, remembers not being able to go back to class that Monday and Tuesday. “I was just scared,” she said.
Texas State Governor Greg Abbot said that information recovered by investigators from Dimitrios’ laptop suggested that he intended to carry out the shooting and then kill himself afterwards.
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