Brief On The 12 Super Tucanos To Be Purchased By The Federal Government Of Nigeria

Brief On The 12 Super Tucanos To Be Purchased By The Federal Government Of Nigeria
Brief On The 12 Super Tucanos To Be Purchased By The Federal Government Of Nigeria

Brief On The 12 Super Tucanos To Be Purchased By The Federal Government Of Nigeria

Defeating Boko Haram requires sophisticated aircrafts such as the Super Tucano with its capabilities of effectively decimating the insurgent camps in remote areas, as experienced in Colombia against FARC insurgents, Afghanistan, Ecuador, Indonesia etc.

Capabilities of Super Tucano

The plane can carry a wide array of armaments, including precision – guided munitions, and is equipped with advanced avionics communications and remote sensors.
It has a maximum speed of 590 km per hour and a flight ceiling of 35,000 feet.
The plane is weaponised to carry a wide array of armaments, communication and reconnaissance intelligence gadgets and is powered by a variant of the world’s most popular turboprop engine the Pratt & Whitney (UTX.N)
The Tucanos can be used for training, surveillance and attack.
The Tucanos offers the capability to operate from unimproved runways.
The Tucanos can fight from the air at less than 304 metres above ground battle.

Equipments to come with the Tucano Jets

Group support equipment to be built.
Wing-mounted machine guns
Laser guided rockets
Maintenance infrastructure.
Advanced surveillance precision guide
Each Tucano comes with two wing – mounted guns and carry up to 1,550kg pounds of weapons.
Hangar facilities and infrastructure
Night vision devices
Air to air missiles

Leahy Law passed by the US Congress

. The law barrs US government from selling American arms to countries’ militaries with a history of human rights abuses.

. The law was used to block the sale of the Cobra helicopters by the Israelis to the Nigerian government in 2014.

Reason for Anticipatory Approval by Mr. President

The contract was time bound and it should be noted that that in the past, the US was not willing to sell weapons to Nigeria, now that they are ready to sell, it would be illogical to allow the February dateline lapse.
It is important to add that, the transaction was fully transparent as its Government to Government (G2G), the US government has acknowledged the receipt of the said sum and has presented a letter of intent to the Nigerian Airforce.
The security situation in the country is of utmost importance.
Anticipatory approval is not new in governance. All over the world, it is not odd for the president to apply this is to get crucial things bordering on national security done and then seek for adequate approval.
The planes will support Nigerian military operations against against insurgency and other security challenges.

Time Frame and Price

. The unit airframe costs between $10 – $12 m.

. However due logistics packages, weapons, and communications equipment, long-lead spares the unit price jacks up.

. The jets are be established in the next 36 months, and delivered before the end of 2020.

1 Comment

  1. Nigerians are in support of this worthy project. Let Mr. President brief our law makers on the matter. God bless and preserve the federal government of Nigeria.

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