European Union-Gulf Of Guinea Inter Regional Network Visits Naval Headquarters

European Union-Gulf Of Guinea Inter Regional Network Visits Naval Headquarters

A delegation from the European Union Gulf of Guinea Inter Regional Network (EU-GoGIN) led by the Strategic Director, Mr Sam Megwa paid a courtesy visit to Naval Headquarters. The delegation was received by the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ikechukwu Ogalla.

The Strategic Director thanked the CNS for receiving the delegation and stated that EU-GOGIN has consistently worked with ECOWAS, ECCAS & GoG Commission to improve maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea. He further stated that the visit was to discuss the details of the handover of the “Yaounde Architectural Regional Information System (YARIS)” to the navies of the region. Additionally, he commended the performance of the Nigerian Navy (NN) personnel who were trained recently on the manning of the system. Finally, the Strategic Director recalled the invaluable insight he gained during the Navy Week celebrations in May/June and was looking forward to the forthcoming Head of Navies of Gulf of Guinea Meeting in November.

In response, the CNS thanked Mr Megwa and his team for taking the time to visit Naval Headquarters. He further acknowledged the supporting role of the EU to GoG navies and fully endorsed the handover of YARIS to the regional navies. Expectedly, the forthcoming Heads of Navies Meeting presents a good opportunity for regional navies to collectively discuss the modalities of the transition. Finally the CNS reminded all present that the transnational nature of maritime security requires continuous international collaboration hence the NN will continue to work with EU to improve the security of the Gulf of Guinea.

The Strategic Director was accompanied by Rear Admiral Solomon Agada (rtd), Mr Zissimos Vergas, Ms Celine Lhoste & Ms Therese Carlbrand.


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