Here’s What President Buhari Must Learn From President Trump Firing FBI Boss

Here's What President Buhari Must Learn From President Trump Firing FBI Boss
Here’s What President Buhari Must Learn From President Trump Firing FBI Boss

Here’s What President Buhari Must Learn From President Trump Firing FBI Boss

FBI Director James B. Comey’s firing Tuesday came after the newly appointed Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein made the case for it, Attorney General Jeff Sessions agreed, and President Trump ultimately pulled the trigger. All in one day.

Here in Nigeria, President Buhari and his administration have been saddled with the weight of Babachir Lawal PINE scandal. The Secretary to the Government of the Federation is accused of having abused the powers of his office to award “phantom contracts” including one for grass-cutting to a company linked to him. Let’s forget for this purpose that these allegations are made even more grievous by the fact that PINE is the Presidential Initiative on the North East set up to help alleviate the sufferings of internally displaced people in the North East region who have long been under attack by militant insurgents, Boko Haram.

Let’s focus instead on the fact that the SGF was summoned by the Senate on three different occasions to be questioned by legislators in connection with their findings against him on the issue – in fulfilment of their oversight functions – and every time, he’s snubbed them.

In America, Justice Department officials concluded that James Comey had violated the Justice Department principles and procedures last year by publicly discussing the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server thereby “usurping” the powers of the Attorney-General’s office – at the very least. Meanwhile, hurt Democrats argue that Comey’s decision to drop the bomb of FBI’s recovery of even more emails in the months and days before the election hurt Clinton’s standing with voters and affected the outcome.

This is why Comey got the boot, officially. That simple. And it happened in one day.

The time Trump slipped on a similar issue, it was only by 18 days and his whole administration has been called to question for it. Sally Yates made sure of it!

Babachir’s matter, on the other hand, has been pending for no less than 6 months and the President only suspended him and started and other investigation a few weeks ago. This cankerworm is still in his cabinet, eating up the modest fabric clothing his anti-corruption agenda.

It’s not hard to see where this leading. if the Nigerian President needed a premise/precedent/motivation to take out a cancerous organ in his government, i.e Babachir Lawal, America just gave it to him.

If he’s compromised, FIRE HIM FIRST. We’ll deal with his innocence after.

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