Poor Body Language Of Governor Darius Instrumental To Taraba Genocide

Poor Body Language Of Governor Darius Instrumental To Taraba Genocide
Poor Body Language Of Governor Darius Instrumental To Taraba Genocide

Poor Body Language Of Governor Darius Instrumental To Taraba Genocide

If we cannot be bold enough to question the position of Governor Darius of Taraba State, let us stop putting up #TarabaGenocide. If you did not follow up the Governor’s activities and media engagement from inception, you will not understand this angle of assessment. From day one, one could tell that Darius lacks the capacity to lead a volatile state like Taraba.

The fact that he did not even understood the potentials of Taraba State, how can he understand the threat on Taraba. One most envious highland in Nigeria is the Mambila Plateau, the people of Mambila are gifted with so many unique qualities.

Their livestock alone is enough to attract global attention and they have the best climate for all sorts of agricultural produce that can woo in investors. The Governor may know about all these, but what goes into his mind is fraction of what a right thinking Governor can do. Taraba State till tomorrow compete with Benue State in terms of Agricultural produce but not with the support and help of the State Government. The citizens have mastered the culture of survival based on the natural endowment.

To the likes of Darius, it is highly delirious to believe that Taraba State can change for good. This is because almost every year there has been crisis that is either brewing from political differences to religion to communal. Therefore, to him, crisis in Taraba can only be managed not solved.

The Governor most open up his enclosed mind and see beyond the mud-house window that he grew up viewing at the world from. He must open his mind for peace with his own political opponents and give room for collaboration within Taraba citizens. Let everyone of them feel at home.

He must realize the importance of unity between religious and cultural groups. Let him stop confiding in his own people how he hates others. This information getting out ends up igniting crisis across the state. He must stop accommodating the wicked individuals around him that are instigating him against others.

In fact, he must dispose them immediately.
Again and very important, he must partner with vibrant security experts to help design a blueprint on how to protect the state and what God has given the state.

Culled from IG Wala

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